

The Lord Of The Rings


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Ok, I seriously need a new page for cliques and fanlistings, they now won't all fit on here... 2814

You linked me, I'm linking you... there's a whole lotta linkin' going on

The Beauty Of Galadriel

Great website, beautiful.
I'm glad someone has finally appreciated the magnificence of the character of Galadriel (in a very well put-together website, I should mention!).
I agree that the film did not really represent "the fairest of all beings", "More fair than the thoughts of mortal men" -- but who could?
We are but mere mortals...
And, contrary to some belief, so is Peter Jackson.


Not a LOTR site, I'm shocked to say, but it's very cute, and will soon grow and blossom into something full of ... anything at all.


Not a lot up there yet, but keep checking back, and I'm sure it will bloom.
Not Orlando, just bloom.


I'm not really sure what this site is about, but it has loads of links, and a bizarre Red Riding Hood LOTR...


Soon, when he puts something on this site, it will have doodles on... drawing is fun...



24,000 die daily.
Click to give free food.


This has to be the very coolest thing.
You talk to a robot.
It's incredible!
No, seriously, it's very cool, and fun, and better than talking to some weirdo in a chat room when none of your friends are on MSN...

The Spark

If, like me, you're addicted to pointless online quizzes - this is perfect!
Apparently, I'm 38% Gay, 83% female, 82% pure and going to die on November 12th 2065.

Movie Mistakes

Want to know when you can (apparently) see a car going past in LOTR?
(Personally, having seen the film three times and still not spotted it, it must've been a horse or something "That... that was a pigeon.")

The Lord Of The Rings

Official Film Site
This is the website for the film trilogy The Lord Of The Rings.
As with most Official sites this isn't the best you can find, but you do get to hear one of the main actors/Peter Jackson saying
"Hi, I'm (whoever). Welcome to"

One Spoof

Lots of games, quizzes, Shoot Boromir game!!
It's great, I'm only half way through the games, it may have even more fun stuff, I just haven't got there yet!

Very Secret Diaries

This has to one of the funniest fan fictions ever!!
An extract:



Got in trouble for setting off fireworks at party. Suspect Gandalf not actually all that annoyed and was merely excuse to get us young hobbit boys wet and lathered up. Became even more suspicious when "washing dishes" punishment followed by "polishing Gandalf's staff" punishment and "massaging Gandalf's feet" punishment and "nude leapfrog in the cabbage patch" punishment, I mean, who's he trying to kid, really? Especially with the foot thing.



Well, now August 6th has come and gone...

Want to print it out and speak it along with the film?
Or, alternatively, take it with you when you can't be watching the film, so it's *like* you're watching it!

HINT: Print it out in stages, as you can only staple about 16 pages together, and the absense of 64 pieces of paper may not even get noticed!

Hobbit Name Generator

Want to know what your name would be if, by some unlikely chance, you had been born a hobbit?

Well, er, now you can!

My names:
Rosie-Posie Bleecker-Baggins Of Fair Downs
Daisy Bleecker-Baggins Of Fair Downs
Honeysuckle Bleecker-Baggins of Fair Downs

Play around with your real name until you get a hobbit name you like.

Isildur's Bane

Not from this website, from... *cough* Argos, but still!
You know in LOTR there was that ring?

Or were you too distracted by Frodo/Samwise/Legolas/Aragorn/Boromir/Gandalf (KAT??) (etc)?

Well, in case you missed it, you could always buy it!

And then, you could call it "My Preciousssss" and put it on and pretend to be invisible and...
erm, *ahem*.
Or not.

Moon Rain Star

Has some cool LOTR games, and an obsession list.

Bit Of Earth

Everything about everyone's favourite Middle-earth gardener.
Very easy to navigate and has lots of cute pictures!

Sean Astin

Sean Astin's Official Website.
Admittedly it's not very good, and not very easy to navigate... but never mind!

Billy Boyd

Billy Boyd's official website.
Quite a few pictures, nice interviews, and I love the quotes at the bottom of the pages!

"What's another name for thesaurus?"

"I'm not tense. Just terribly, terribly alert."

Ashling's Fellowship of the Ring Haven

Hey - I love this site.

This Was Your Idea!

Billy Boyd UK

Beatrice's Hobbit Hole

Lots of LOTR things, very nice fan site

Links with banners, some FANLISTINGS

By the way, if you own a fanlisting that I've signed up to and your banner isn't on here* (or you just want to have your banner on here)

It's such a simple act...

(*When I joined lots of fanlisting, it was 2am, so I have forgotten many of them...)

Also - sorry they're a bit randomly placed, I use pre-um, what do I mean? Templates!
So the pictures just come up where they are programmed to, if you follow me.
*lil ahem at Sam quote*

Fanlisting ----------------->
I'll have to delete fanlistings when they don't put up my site in under.... 3 months, like WhoreOfTheRings. Darn them to heck!
<--- Fanlisting and Site

Oh, FoolOfATook is a FANTASIC fansite for Pippin and Billy Boyd, and if you go to the first page, you will find a link to an Elijah Wood site.


Hey - here's the link to that page.

Elijah Wood, all the weird faces he makes"

^^^ this site seems to have disappeared....

<---- Fanlisting
vvv Fanlisting vvv
^^^^ Very good Billy Boyd/Pippin site ^^^^
Feeling Tookish?

Oh to be that water bottle...

Billy Boyd/Pippin site - very good pictures.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Pippin...
^^^^^ Sean Astin fanlisting/clique thing^^^
Hobbit sliced for your convenience.
Sized, that's what i said!
<----------- Fanlistings ^^^^